Frozen Banana Yogurt is a healthy option.
Healthy Jogurt

Frozen Banana Yogurt is a healthy option.

Frozen Banana Yogurt is a healthy option.

Only a few ingredients are needed, and you’ll have a batch of banana frozen yogurt to enjoy as a healthy sweet treat in minutes.

In our family, we adore ice cream of all types, and I’ve made it my job to keep it nutritious.  This isn’t something my kids should be consuming!

Frozen Banana Yogurt Is Good For You | Real Food RN
We have an ice cream maker, but the kids were clamoring for ice cream right now.
NOW! We set off once I dug out the Vitamix. It’s good to have a quick frozen treat to make when it’s 90 degrees outdoors. I usually keep frozen bananas on hand in case of an emergency! Only a few ingredients are needed, and you’ll have a batch of nutritious banana frozen yogurt to enjoy in minutes!

Frozen Banana Yogurt is a healthy option.
Only a few ingredients are needed, and you’ll have a batch of banana frozen yogurt to enjoy as a healthy sweet treat in minutes.

2 cups plain yogurt with a hint of flavor (preferably made from raw milk)
2–3 bananas, frozen
1 tbsp vanilla extract (optional)
1/2 teaspoon salt
Optional: raw honey on ice
Optional cinnamon

In a high-powered blender, combine the yogurt, bananas, vanilla, and salt and mix until smooth.
Then, while continuing to combine, gradually add ice until you get the required consistency. We prefer ours to have a soft-serve texture. Yum.
Honey or cinnamon can be added to make it even more delicious.

Chopped nuts and a sprinkle of cocoa powder are two of our favorite toppings.
It melts quickly, so eat it immediately!

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