Roast asparagus and salmon on a single pan
Losos Recipes

Roast asparagus and salmon on a single pan

Roast asparagus and salmon on a single pan

Salmon in a single pan with roasted asparagus
The immune system defends the body against infection and illness. The immune system’s most powerful tool is specialized blood cells!

A healthy immune system is essential for regular, fruitful exercise. Even if we are being advised to stay at home, it’s crucial to maintain a healthy diet since it will support a robust immune system. A weak immune system might make people more vulnerable to harm and perform worse.

Our recipe for One-Pan Salmon with Roast Asparagus may be found below.

Salmon in a single pan with ingredients for two plates of roasted asparagus

400g young potatoes, cut in half if they’re big
oil, 2 tablespoons
8 asparagus spears, cut in half and trimmed
two bunches of cherry tomatoes
1/fourth cup balsamic vinegar
2 fillets of salmon
couple of basil leaves

220C for the oven.
Put the potatoes, 1 tablespoon oil, and an oven-safe dish in the oven for 20 minutes, or until the potatoes are beginning to brown.
15 minutes later, add the asparagus and put the pan back in the oven.
Place the salmon among the veggies, then stir in the cherry tomatoes and vinegar.
Return to the oven for a final 10-15 minutes to finish cooking the salmon after adding the last of the oil.
Serve after scattering the basil leaves.
Information about nutrition
kilocalories: 483
34 grams of carbs
g of protein: 33
Fat(g): 25

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