Corn Pudding Casserole That's Simple
Corn Pudding Recipe

Corn Pudding Casserole That’s Simple

Corn Pudding Casserole That’s Simple

Take advantage of our simple corn pudding casserole tonight with your family or as a festive party addition. Comfort food at its finest, this Easy Corn Pudding Casserole is simple to prepare.

what you require

2 eggs

1 cup soured milk

14 cup melted butter

1 package (8.5 oz) of cornbread mix

1 14.5 oz. can of cream corn

Whole kernel corn, 1 can (14.5 oz.), drained

2 teaspoons freshly chopped chives

Let’s do it.

Oven should be heated to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.

In a large bowl, combine eggs, sour cream, and butter. Mix thoroughly after adding the remaining ingredients.

Pour into a 2-quart casserole that has been cooking spray-coated.

Bake for 45 to 50 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and the middle is slightly puffy.
The first serving suggestion from a kitchen tip
To go along with your preferred cooked lean meat or poultry, try this simple corn casserole.

Nutritional Calories at 300% of the Daily Value* Total Fat 13g17%
7g35% of the diet is saturated fat.
0g Trans Fat
80mg of cholesterol
29.7 percent
sodium 410 mg, 18%
40g15% of total carbohydrates
Nutritional Fiber 2g7%
11g of sugar
22,7 percent
6g12% of it is protein.
10% of vitamin A
C6 vitamin percentage
two percent
8 percent * of iron A 2,000 calorie diet is used to calculate daily values.
servings8 servings, each with 1/2 cup Nutritional information is calculated based on the ingredients and preparation methods listed in each recipe and is only meant to be used as a guide. Please be aware that dietary information may change depending on the components used, the cooking technique, and their country of origin.

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