Salad of fruits with a honey-mint dressing
Summer Food

Salad of fruits with a honey-mint dressing

Salad of fruits with a honey-mint dressing

Light and refreshing, this fruit salad recipe with a light honey-mint dressing is ideal for warm summer evenings or any time in between. You may pick and select the fruits to suit your tastes.


Salad of fruits

Blueberries, 100 g

Blackberries, 100 g

Nectarines, 2

a half-watermelon

Dressing with mint

Honey, 30 g

1 lime, freshly squeezed

1 peppermint leaf (handful)

1.Cut your favorite fruit into tiny pieces and arrange in a basin.

2.In a mixing dish, combine the honey and lime juice.

3.Roughly cut the mint leaves and toss them in with the berries.

4.To make your refreshing fruit salad, pour the dressing over the fruit and combine well.

Bees create honey, which is a delicious viscous material. They “harvest” honey from flower nectar (a sugar-rich plant secretion) and store it in a wax structure known as a honeycomb. This dish is quite popular in our area. It has been cultivated and used for food and therapy for generations.

Honey comes in a variety of flavors, depending on the place where it is produced: pine, woodland, meadow, acacia, and so on.

We’re nearing a time of year when forest or so-called berry fruits will become more common. Raspberries, blackberries, chokeberries, cranberries, strawberries, and blueberries, often known as blueberries, are among these fruits. In today’s post, we’ll look at the blueberry and see what makes it so nutritious, as well as why we should consume it more frequently in the future.

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