Choco mousse cake with bananas
Coko Banana Mousse

Choco mousse cake with bananas

Choco mousse cake with bananas

Light, airy chocolate cream, real French mousse (foam). The original recipe should be egg white dough with ground walnuts, but my son doesn’t like it, so I make a classic chocolate biscuit. And in the original they are strawberries instead of bananas, but I didn’t find them so we repeated the banana exercise, for that son’s favorite cake.
for 6 people
5 eggs
100 g of sugar
120 g flour
60 g butter
a little baking powder
30 g cocoa or chocolate powder
600 ml sweet cream (full fat)
400 g of cooking chocolate
2 whole eggs
2 egg yolks

6 bananas
The cake is just for chocolate lovers, and the cream, a real French mousse, is airy, fine (because of the yolks and eggs), not transplanted (no sugar added) and light. A classic Parisian cream – just cream and chocolate – could be a substitute, but it wouldn’t be a mousse cream afterwards.

For me, strawberries and baiser layers are dearer and better, but the son is the one who chooses, it is his favorite birthday cake.

Bananas are a fruit that is full of vitamins, and the useful nutrients in them are guardians of health. They are one of the most consumed fruits in the world, with good reason.
Fighting cramps – Mineral deficiencies are a common cause of muscle cramps.
Prevention of kidney disease – foods that contain enough potassium help prevent kidney stones. According to one study, regular consumption of bananas can also reduce the chance of malignant kidney disease by 40%.

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