Chicken pie from the blender
Chiken Recipes

Chicken pie from the blender

Chicken pie from the blender

It may be a quick breakfast, an afternoon snack, a filling supper, or the contentious specialty of family get-togethers. Yes, the chicken pie is the topic at hand! A decent, self-respecting Brazilian enjoys chicken pie in whatever form, whether it comes from a bakery, his mother’s special recipe, or a store. The truth is that we need chicken pie recipes to survive!
We offer a variety of recipes for you to try out in the kitchen and learn how to make this classic meal, from the easiest to the inverted form! Be prepared for a taste explosion as each pie will be fiercely fought!

Time: 1h10
Produces 10 servings.
Simple difficulty

Contains three eggs
Oil, 1/2 cup (tea).
1 1/2 cups milk for the tea
flour, 3 cups (wheat)
Baking powder, 1 tbsp
a pinch of salt
Greasing and flouring using oil and wheat flour
Oil, 2 tablespoons
1 minced clove of garlic
one minced onion
3 cups of shredded, cooked chicken
Tomato paste, 2 teaspoons
a sliced tomato
1 drained can of green corn
chopped green olives, half a cup
To taste, add salt, pepper, and chopped parsley.
2 glasses of Catupiry® tea

manner of preparation
Garlic and onion should be fried until brown in a skillet with oil that has been heated to medium heat for the filling. Add the tomato, chicken, and extract and sauté for three minutes. Add the corn, olives, parsley, salt, and pepper, and cook for three minutes. Shut off and read.

Blend the egg, oil, milk, and half of the flour together to make the dough. Pour into a bowl and combine with a spoon the remaining flour, yeast, and salt.

Place the dough in a 22 cm x 30 cm oiled and floured pan. Spread the cold stuffing over the top. Create a layer with the Catupiry®. Bake for 35 minutes, or until brown. Sliced serving after letting cool.

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