Sour Potatoes
Garlic Food

Sour Potatoes

Sour Potatoes

On an all-too-rare occasion, Tater Tots straight from the freezer. Everyone had baked potatoes for supper, and I don’t believe anyone had anything against potatoes—just a weak appetite. It goes without saying that my kids won’t be saying the same if the blog’s archives are any indicator. I still desire potatoes in ways for which I haven’t yet perfected a recipe, despite the gratins, the crispy crumbled, the melting, the brown butter mash, the kugel, twice-baked, and the Anna. This led me to a rise in lemon potato research throughout the winter.

all you require

large wedges

lemon juice and broth while roasting is prepared.

Greek lemon potatoes, also known as patates lemonates, are well-known for their crispy edges, delicate inside, and lemon flavoring. They are frequently eaten simply or as a side dish to roast chicken, lamb, or any substantial Sunday dinner. For increased crispiness, some add a teaspoon of semolina. I tested each one. They were all mouthwatering. But I soon came to the realization that the lemon potato I had been craving was more like to the roast-braise infusion of melting or fondant potatoes: Yukon gold potatoes, no par-boiling, and a pool of broth and lemon juice poured in the final third of roasting time.

The pan fluids thicken and become sticky and flavorful. Although they may not be the most conventional, I think these are cheery and ideal.

Listen, a Smitten Kitchen recipe wouldn’t be complete without at least one instance of “do as I say, not as I do” photography, but today, as a treat, there are two: Despite the fact that they are all excellent, I much preferred these with creamier Yukon gold potatoes when I tested them with several potatoes, including the more conventional Russets (pictured here). Use what you have, but if you can get waxier, golden potatoes, they are preferable. Additionally, I like to roast them on a metal baking dish or rimmed baking sheet rather of a white or stoneware one since it cooks faster, becomes more crisp, and sticks less. Use what you have, whatever, and you’ll be in for a treat.

Yukon gold or russet potatoes, ideally 2 pounds, should be peeled and cut into thick wedges.
3 tablespoons of olive oil plus 1 tablespoon of diced, unsalted butter, or 4 tablespoons of olive oil
1 teaspoon dried oregano or 2 tablespoons minced fresh oregano
1 kosher salt tsp.
Two lemons’ zest and juice, finely grated (approximately 1/4 cup juice),
freshly ground black pepper, half a teaspoon
3 to 4 peeled and crushed garlic cloves
3/4 cup chicken or veggie brothmore lemon wedges or slices, along with freshly chopped parsley or dill, to end

475°F oven temperature.
Potatoes should be coated equally with olive oil, oregano, salt, lime zest, and pepper and placed in a 9 x 13-inch rimmed sheet pan or deeper baking dish (preferably made of stainless steel, coated steel, or stoneware, not glass*). Dot butter, if using, all over. Roast potatoes for 15 to 20 minutes, or until they are well browned on the bottom. Turn potatoes over using a thin spatula**, top with garlic cloves, and bake for an additional 10 to 15 minutes, or until the second side is mostly browned below. Once again placing the dish in the oven for 15 minutes, or when the potatoes and garlic are fork-tender and the liquids have reduced to a very thin pool, add the broth and lemon juice evenly.

Before serving, let the dish rest for five minutes to allow any liquid to soak, then top with fresh herbs and more lemon wedges.

Glass can break when exposed to a significant temperature shift, as was the case when the cold broth and lemon juice were added to the extremely hot pan toward the end. If you just have a glass to roast in, reheat the broth before putting it in. Once it’s in there, you may add the lemon juice at this point whether it’s cold or room temperature.

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