Rice Pudding With Vanilla.
Healthy Rice Pudding

Rice Pudding With Vanilla.

Rice Pudding With Vanilla.

For family members and friends who are lactose intolerant, this rich lactose-free rice pudding is perfect. Make sure that none of the components include lactose.

Level: Simple

5 minutes for preparation

In 40 minutes, ready

serves six

Dinner: Dessert

principal component: rice

components six cups (1.5 L) Vanilla Soy Drinks
1 cup (250 mL) White rice PC® Organics Long Grain
1/2 tsp (2 mL) Cinnamon
1/4 tsp (1 mL) Salt
1/3 cup (75 mL) Spread PC® Blue Menu® Twice The Fruit with Apricots
What to do
Step 1
Bring 5 cups (1.25 L) of soy beverage to a boil in a heavy-bottomed pot. Add the salt, cinnamon, and rice. bring back to a boil. Medium-low heat should be used. Stir often while simmering, uncovered, for 30 to 35 minutes. Get rid of the heat.
Step 2
Add remaining soy beverage and stir. Put serving bowls with a spoon. Add some spread on the top of each plate.

Cinnamon’s distinctive unique perfume draws admirers to it like a magnet and makes them appear out of nowhere. In addition to its long history of usage as a natural remedy and health promoter, cinnamon also charms with its sweet aroma and robust flavor.

Although it is accessible year-round, the colder days are when it is most alluring. It is available as a powder and a stick. Although sticks have a longer shelf life than crushed cinnamon powder, they don’t have as strong of a scent.
In addition to being a tasty spice, cinnamon is a good source of vitamins and minerals. Due to the presence of dietary fiber, calcium, iron, manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin K, it has health advantages.

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