Healthy cheesecake met zomerfruit.
Healthy Cheesecake

Healthy cheesecake met zomerfruit.

Healthy cheesecake met zomerfruit.

Deze Cheesecake Kun is Zonder guilty.

700 grams of mild quark from a tray of kaas
250 grams of almond porridge
200 grams of zadenmix notes
2 apple trees honey
300 grams of root fruit and heb brahmin, frambozen and garnet papal were used
5 sheets of gelatin
150 ml of water

Mix amandelmil seeds and notes with honey and water.
Cover with pastry baker and vet with olive foil. It is spreading now het deeg op de Boden en druk fijn.
Time for 10 minutes in Koelkast.
Week de gelatin in caudate water for 5 minutes.
Zet a small pannetje op het vuur met herein 2 eetlepels van de kwark.
Knijp de gelatin uit en voeg toe bij de warmed kwark.
Schep nu voorzichtig the rest of the quark erbij en roer door tot een mengsel.
Giet de quark now op hat dig in de Bucklick and son hat in de Coelcast 2 hours.
Wanneer every de tart stunted server kun is hat fruit mix and light jes prakken zat hat een quantity word.

Honey is a sweet viscous substance produced by bees. They “collect” honey from flower nectar (a plant secretion rich in sugars) and store it in a wax structure called a honeycomb. This food is especially popular in our region. It has been produced and used for generations for food, but also for treatment.Honey has a high caloric value as well as sugar. However, it does contain some of the minerals and powerful antioxidants we have mentioned, and it has a significantly lower glycemic index, making it an ideal sweetener. The glycemic index is a measure of how fast blood glucose levels rise immediately after ingesting any food.

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