Fantastic Fried Chicken
Fried Chicken

Fantastic Fried Chicken

Fantastic Fried Chicken

Dinner tonight was delicious fried chicken. It’s an uncommon pleasure since it’s fried. The key is to soak it in buttermilk for at least 3 or 4 hours (you may soak it for up to 24 hours). I enjoy cooking chicken thighs, and I make sure to thoroughly wash and trim them. Get rid of any noticeable fat or excess skin. Then, in a casserole, cover them with buttermilk. After snapping the image, I poured a little extra milk so you could see the chicken.

When ready to cook, pour enough oil into a heavy Dutch oven to just cover the chicken. Add 2 1/2 cups flour, 3 teaspoons paprika, 1 teaspoon cayenne, 2 teaspoons salt, and 1 teaspoon pepper to a big plastic bag. To blend, whisk everything together thoroughly. Then, with tongs to keep your fingers dry, add a piece of chicken and shake it thoroughly to coat.

Place the chicken piece, skin side down, into the heated oil. If you overcrowd the pan, the temperature of the oil will drop, making the chicken mushy. I’ve discovered that I can do four thighs at once. They cook for approximately 10 minutes, then I flip them with clean tongs and cook for another 7 to 10 minutes. When they’re mahogany in color, you’ll know they’re finished.


Additional than smelling the oil, there are other ways to tell if it’s olive oil and what quality it is. When excellent olive oil is chilled, it thickens and turns hazy. When kept at normal temperature, it reverts to a liquid state and becomes transparent. Real olive oil also burns, which is why it has been used for centuries as a fuel for ancient lamps.
Sunflower oil, olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin seed oil, beet oil, almond oil, avocado oil, pistachio oil… There is no cholesterol in vegetable oils, yet they all include vitamin E. However, everyone has unique features, both positive and negative. Now it’s time to discuss about olive oil!

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